
Lab #1

Element Default Event Records Data Type Max/Min
Button "On Click" "Button Clicked" String N/A
Text Input "On Input" Text within "input" String N/A
Labell "On Click" "labell clicked" String N/A
Dropdown "On Change" Text Within "options" String N/A
Radio Button "On Change" Check "radio_button" Boolean N/A
Checkbox "On Change" Check "checkbox Boolean N/A
Image "On Click" "image clicked" String N/A
Canvas "On Click" x-y coordinate of clicked point Number N/A
Screen "On Click" "Screen Clicked" String N/A
Text Area "On Change" Text Within "text_area" String N/A
Chart N/A Value of "Row 1" and "Row 2" Number N/A
Slider "On Change" Number Within "slider" Number 0-100

Lab #2

  1. The app does not work well on a mobile phone. It only works if i click down hard, not if I drag my finger. The app is changed on "mousemove" which could contribute to the failure.

Lab #3

  1. Choose your own adventure game which was made before the 2016 presidential eleciton. During the making of this game I did not know the outcome of the election.

Lab #4

Lab #5

  1. Several variables are being used to add, subtract, multiply or divide two seperate numbers which are placed in strings